Monday, January 5, 2015

Today's Post Almost Broke My Heart

As almost all of you know, we're a national company. We serve all 50 states and certain provinces of Canada. As a national company you hear from all types. Today was no different. Sitting in my office, my phone rings. Checking the caller ID I see the number is from Florida. 

The gentleman on the line is currently in prison and wants to know if we can help him. He wants to get rid of some debt and repair his credit. In the background I can hear the unmistakable echo of inmates and people pacing behind him as he tells me his story. 

His goal was simple. He wants to come out of prison with no debt, have his finances in order and have his credit in top shape. We talked for about a half hour altogether. It took two calls to get the consultation out of the way. He told me about his goals, I advised the best I could. Under the circumstances, he had family who were helping him out with making payments. To be sure, they would have to call me to establish payment. 

Most people might have been leery of such a call. To me, this was someone who was paying for a mistake in their life and wants a clean slate upon their release. We enrolled him in our $19.95 credit repair program to get the ball rolling. He thought the price was more than fair and even said he'd be glad to pay more than that given his circumstance. I couldn't imagine what I was hearing. Why would I charge you more just because of where you are? 

The very thought goes against everything I founded Angel Debt Solutions on. I want to genuinely help people and get them out of a bad situation. Next was the debt. Most of the debt was thankfully attached to the credit program so they would be removed from the report. They were old bills long since paid. The problem was, they hadn't fallen off and they rightfully should have. He was so happy to hear it would take him between 90 days and six months to complete the credit repair program (an estimate I was happy to give). During that same time he will be working with me one-on-one receiving personalized coaching as we establish and build his positive credit. 

At the end of his program we should see him credit ready since he wasn't in bad shape per se. Just not the best he could have been. I know from experience that people in his situation have no idea who to turn to and when he found out he would have an attorney to talk to anytime, 24/7 about anything he needed legal advice on, it made him that much happier. By the end of the call his program included basic credit repair, unlimited legal consultations (free), a living will prepared (free), debt management and personalized coaching to rebuild his credit. He was happy and I felt great helping someone who needed the help. 

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