Sunday, January 4, 2015

Household Budgeting Worksheet & Debt Management Plans

I just finished speaking with a good friend of mine who is going through a divorce. She wonders how she can save her credit, manage her debt, get out of debt and prevent filing bankruptcy. I find this is the perfect opportunity to show everyone just what will happen if they fall into this situation. 

First thing she did was come to me. We sat down and went over our Household Budgeting Worksheet. This allows us to come up with a game plan. It lets me see her budget and where her money is going. With this worksheet I can see if a Debt Management Plan is needed. After filling out the form, We see where her bills are going and how much income her household actually has. 

After going over Bankruptcy options we discuss Credit Repair and Debt Management. With the worksheet finished, I can see she is a great candidate for Debt Management and Credit Repair. She informed me that she looked into Credit Repair companies but they want hundreds a month. Also, most attorneys want up to $1500 to do a divorce. She believes she's looking at spending a ton of money, something I assured her was over-inflated pricing on the part of people who like to take advantage. 

We go over our pricing at Angel Debt Solutions. Credit Repair is typically $19.95 a month with an experienced Specialist working one-on-one with you. Ok, so we blew that price out of the water. Next, we move on to Debt Management. Other companies charge $300-500 for Debt Management. We go over it for FREE, establish your budget and see what we're working with. Even when we start working for you, we're no where near $300. Each case is different so I'll use her as an example. Her price is $50 to start. So now we're looking at $19.95 + $50. Still way less than our competition. 

Moving on to divorce. That big, ugly price tag of $1500 was glaring at her. I let her know we would be walking her through every part. We helped her get the forms and documents, gave her all the advice she needs and helped her file with her court. Our cheapest competitor wanted between $250-525 to do that. Due to her circumstances, her price was about $240 AND she got unlimited legal advice for a year with a qualified attorney AND a free Will. Her attorney would be going over custody, child support and visitation with her any time she needs to pick up the phone for the next YEAR. This brings her savings to around $400! 

See how we can help you and get a personalized program today! 

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